๐Ÿ†Awarded best Design of year 2๐Ÿ†

๐Ÿ†shortlisted for the 2023 Yugo BAFTA Student Awards๐Ÿ†

๐Ÿ†Nominated Best student game in the Dutch Game Awards๐Ÿ†

Rapid Prototyping

This project was part of a rapid prototyping project in which we concepted and prototyped 2 different games. The goal of the project was to have 2 working prototypes of these game concepts. From these 2 games we would pick one to continue development on: duck side of the moon

Project stats

time on project: 8 weeks

responsibilities: level design, collaborating with VA in creating a modular kit, general game design.

team size: 10 developers

During the concepting phase I sketched ideas in my notebook. The one on the right came in handy as soon as we started the prototyping phase

During the prototyping phase I made a mockup with unreal marketplace store assets for the spaceship with a layout of all the rooms we planned to have. After this I worked together with environment art to create a modular kit for the interior of the spaceship. By implementing the modular kit assets as they were implemented we were able to pick up on issues with the kit early and make changes or create extra assets accordingly.

The mockup was build to accommodate the model of the outside of the spaceship, which was implemented by VAโ€™s at the end of the project.

Other than the work on the spaceship, I worked on general game design and the layout of the level around the spaceship.